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The Dugong!

Today I will be talking about the Dugong! It’s not a manatee and it’s not a dolphin manatee hybrid, but it is one sexy sea cow!

🌱They munch on vegetation in warm coastal waters from East Africa to Australia

🌱They can live to be 70 years old and grow to 10 ft (3.1 m)

🌱The biggest difference is their tales are fluked, same as dolphins and whales

🌱Strictly a marine living animal, unlike our Florida manatees that stay in fresh and estuarine waters

🌱The only other animal in their family, Dugongidae, was known as the “Steller’s Sea Cow” but was hunted to extinction in the 1700s. This animal grew to 10m!!

The origin of the Sirenia order name, which dugongs belong to with 3 other manatee species, is because these animals were believed to have been the inspiration for old seafaring tales mistaking them for mermaids and sirens! Adults do not have any natural predators (humans are unnatural), but juveniles can be eaten by saltwater crocodiles, killer whales, and large coastal sharks. They face the same human caused threats as our manatees do; habitat destruction, collision with boats, and accidental fisheries capture. Dugongs are currently listed as a vulnerable species with their current population trend decreasing. Remember to live mindfully, because we SHARE this planet with truly incredible creatures.

Originally posted 2 February 2020

First pictures is of a Dugong, second of a Manatee for comparison.

(not my pictures)

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